about me

My name is Shadia. Reading, making coffee/espresso, crafting and photography are my favorite hobbies and I'll post on these often.

I love technology! I'm a MACaholic & fb-fanatic. Twitter, blogging, skyping, iChat, Pinterest and instagram addicted and I email like a madwoman.

I love chocolate. I could live on it. Dove, Ghirardelli and Nutella are my favorites.

Im allergic to dogs but I'm working on that...hopefully shots will do the trick so I can get my very own Welsh Terrier one day.

I own my own business Head Over Heels - Event Consulting. Eventually I want to incorporate my photography, but for now just coordinating and design.

I'm grateful for every day that God has provided and I make the active decision to appreciate every day.

I look forward to sharing new ideas and creating inventive ways to enjoy your hobbies.
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