Anyone having a hard time deciding on plans for new years? The crowds are crazy if you go out and you end up spending too much money on things you don't even really enjoy. Sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hands and plan the party yourself!
Here are a few ways to make the most of your New Years Holiday.
Family Fun Block Party - Designed w/ Kids in Mind
Use Sparkling Cider in place of champagne so that kids can take part too.
HEB sells party plastic champagne glasses that everyone can use! Cheap and easy to jazz up- add stickers or different colored ribbon on the bottom to designate who's glass is who's.
DIY new years hats etc. - or wal-mart has party packages with hats and noise makers.
Board, card and dice games - set prizes for each game winner
Fireworks - if you live near a cold-a-sac, invite neighbors and volunteer the idea that everyone share the show! Give everyone a chance to light up the sky.
Do finger foods like pizza rolls and bagel bites. This will limit the mess and makes prep time a snap!
If you decide on a block party, coordinate with moms and dads around the neighborhood. Each family can bring something.
Food Ideas: begal bits, pizza rolls, Fruit, chips, scooby snacks (chex cereal mixed with chocolate, peanut butter and sprinkled with powdered sugar. YUM!
21 & Up Party :-)
Have a 'Key Bowl'- anyone who plans to drink must give up keys either to the host/hostess or to their designated driver. If you plan to host, be prepared to keep a few friends over night. Better safe than sorry is my motto.
Champagne or my personal favorite, Botega: Petalo Moscato Spumante, also known as, a sparkling wine. Imported from Italy.
Lighting, if done right, can give a party the right mood to bring everyone out of their shell. String up some white christmas lights around the perimeter of the room, use low light lamps and set out candles in darker areas.
Karaoke! who doesn't love to watch other people make a fool of themselves, its a great way to liven up a party where the guests might not know each other.
Photobooth! if you have a computer or a camera and tripod - grab everything prop style you can think of and put it in a box near the photo booth. Hang a black sheet over a wall as a backdrop. You can FB, email or tweet the photos so that everyone can share!
Games w/ Incentive : win a bottle of liquor or fine wine
Play a game where you have to name everyone at the party by a certain time in the evening. This will get your friends to mix and mingle faster. Once everyone is acquainted they will have more fun!
Dress Code: set a dress code based on the style of party you wish to have. Formal, Semi-formal, or Casual. Personally i prefer the semi-formal because you can be comfortable and still get a little snazzy.
I could go on forever with ideas, but that's all for now. Happy Hosting.
Be safe and Happy New Year!!
Shadia Phillips